This article describes a strategy to migrate OpenEdge (Progress Software) applications, e.g. from CHAR UI to .NET UI, or classic OpenEdge UI to HTML5 UI. This method is known as 'Soft Migration', 'Step-by-Stop Migration' or 'Soft Transformation'. The description uses OF-1 as example, but it is not bound to OF-1, it can be used with all OpenEdge development systems. The earlier article about OpenEdge Hard Migration can be found here....

PCase is the leading Case Tool for OpenEdge. The user can extend PCase with macros. These macros are ABL programs, mostly used for code generation or data import and export.

PCase comes with a bunch of predefined macros, these can be used as examples.

This article describes how to join a project (OpenEdge Architect / Studio) with PCase, so that everything for macro development is ready. For preparation PCase must be downloaded and installed for the version of OpenEdge which will be used for the work.


The hard migration is useful, when the goal is, to migrate an OpenEdge application the fastest way, let's say from ADM to HTML5 UI. The copy, paste and change approach keeps the work flow and logic of existing programs, so the migration risks are low.

This migration strategy is based on the unique structure of OF-1, where any source code is ABL. To program data fetching or handle user interactions - so called client logic or screen logic - you can use more or less the same code as is use in an ADM/2 or GUI Builder / Appbuilder....